Madeira – and the Sairse rally events in July 2023.
A talk by two of the rally organisers, john Duggan ICC and Seamus O’Connor ICC, given to the Irish Crruising Club and guests on 21st February 2023
Weather – and routeing to Madeira and back
This talk was given by John Leahy ICC to the ICC and guests on 14th ebruary 2023
~This is a recording of a talk given to 77 members and guests by Jim McAdam on 7th February 2023
Conor OBrien – Patriot, Sailor and Adventurer
Here is a link to the recirding of the talk given to the ICC by Sarah Brown FRGS CF on 24th March 2022.
Narine cinservation and what we sailors can do to help.
Here is a link to the recirding of the talk given to the ICC by Hal Fisk on 9th March 2022
Cruising and racing a classic yacht in Maine in 2007
The story of a season of racing Peggy Bawn in a series of classic boat regattas in the NE USA.
Here is a link to the recording on YouTube of the talk given by Hal Sisk to the club on 24th February 2022 called:
The World’s oldest Cruiser/Racer class 1903-2022
Here is a link to a recording on YouTube of a talk given by Bob Brown to the club on 10th February entitled~
Chasing the Dragon: cruising south Atlantic’s volcanic islands
Here is a link to a recording on YouTube of the talk given by Norman Kean on 27th January 2022 entitled
The ICC Sailing Directions – from research to reader
This is a recording of a talk given to the New York YC and the CCA to which we in the ICC were kindly given access, It was called
Yhe Fastnet Race – the Legend and the Truth.
The history of the race is given by David Aisher and Eddie Warden-Owen from the UK and the experience of the 2021 race is told by Niko Nakajima and Lindsay Gimple from the USA
‘Favourite Scottish Anchorages’
A recording of Frank Smyth‘s talk to us on 7th April 2021which brouight back so many memories for many of the 96 members that listened to it, is here:
This talk was given to us by Chris Tibbs, a professional wether forecaster, and our own Alex Blackwell.
Cruising Best Practice Weather Forecasting, Routing and Communications for Yachts under Passage‘.
This talk, called
Whales and dolphins in Ireland and how to record them while sailing!’.
is given by Simon Berrow who is the Chief Science Officer and Acting CEO of the ‘Irish Whale and Dolphin Group’.
This series of talks came to us from the New York YC.who kindly allowed us to attend. It is by skippers who had, in different ways, had problems with their boats at sea – and how they dealt with the problem
Damage Control – ‘Dont Give Up The Ship’
Of course we were privileged to listen to several more excellent talks. Sadly however YouTube has deleted those that I have not included here and so they are lost to us. ALL our speakers were much appreciated!