Because of the large number of ICC boats registered, it will not be possible for any other ICC yachts in the area to join the rally or participate in any events.   All marina berths will be reserved EXCLUSIVELY for ICC registered rally boats, flying the battle flag. 

The rally is being organised by Peter Haden to whom queries should be directed.
Pilotage Notes
The Pilotage Notes for the Ria Baixas rally area that have been prepared by Norman Kean and Geraldine Hennigan are attached HERE for you to download and/or print off.
Attached here is an article from the February 2017 YM magazine about cruising in the area of this rally. The article features our own Peter Haden!

Attached here is a short video about the approaches to Ria de Muros y Noia.

Attached here is a guide to show how to register and obtain a permit to visit the National Park islands.  (This system works well.  Provided the forms and attachments are correctly submitted, the permit, in English, is returned in about a week)

BRIEFING NOTES FOR SKIPPERS  Paddy McGlade and others who know the Rias Baixas area well have put together some very useful (even essential) notes for skippers.  You may wish to print the document and keep it on board.

Welcoming letter from D. Jorge Arán Echabe, President of The Royal Portosin Yacht Club……Our first stop.

Honorary Port Officer, La Coruña.  The Committee has appointed an Honorary Port Officer for La Coruña and its area.  He is Antón Pellejero who can be contacted by email:, by telephone: +34 616 676064, or at his address: c/. Gregorio Hernández 8 – 6º izda. – 15011 La Coruña

        Jorge Aran with Peter Haden             Portosin Marina                                                                     As the sun goes down….

.Programme of events.

10 – 16 July: Yachts assemble at Real Club Nautico Portosin  (Royal Portosin Yacht Club).

Sunday 16 July: Evening  WELCOME RECEPTION for, everyone on the club house lawn.   This will be hosted by D. Jorge Arán Echabe, President of the club.

Monday 17 July:  Short bus ride to Castro de Baroña and Monte Enxa where we can explore major archaeological site, visit Finisterre MRCC centre at 1700ft and walk with guides with possibility of seeing the wild horses.  Spectacular views.  Other arrangements are to sail in a traditional boat, fishing boats or local walking at clu0b.

Or free coach trip to Santiago de Compostela.  See Peter Haden’s letter of 30 May for details.


Tuesday 18 July: Depart Portosin.

Wednesday 19 July:  Arrive at Puebla del Caramiñal (aka Pobra) for COMMODORE’S PARTY  close to pontoons.

Thursday 20 July:  Depart marina by bus to visit a large and very beautiful vineyard, with explanation of wine making and opportunity to buy their wine (Alberino), followed by lunch in the pazo (main house).

Sunday 23 July:  Arrive at Combarro Marina.

Monday 24 July:  By special invitation, travel by passenger boat to the Spanish Naval Officer Training College at Marin and view their facilities.   Also, an alternative trip into the nearby beautiful city of Pontevedra, with  churches, shops and museum.
Evening BARBEQUE for everyone, at the marina.

From Wednesday 26 July arrive at Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona, where we will be their guests for two nights.

Thursday 27 JulyRECEPTION on Club lawn followed by CLOSING RALLY DINNER.

Dress code for Gentlemen
There have been several enquiries about dress code, from members who have not visited Galicia before.
The three events at which a more formal dress code should be followed, as a compliment to our hosts are:
The two events at  The Royal Portosin Yacht Club,  plus the Closing Reception and Dinner at Bayona.
The acceptable code is:  Long sleeved shirt, long trousers and shoes.

It is absolutely NOT necessary to wear a reefer or jacket. Ties are not usually worn.

                   60 Yachts are registered for the rally (with 240 members and their guests).

Categories: Regional News